Birdie Interdisciplinary Lab connects practitioners from different disciplines, facilitating creative exchanges and collaboration opportunities (research, practices and discourses) on contingent social issues.
Meanwhile, collaborators are invited to consider how teenagers can play a critical role in their framework, realized in a specially designed PBL (project-based learning) for young people.
In each PBL, teenagers learn by engaging in real-world and personally meaningful issues, resourcing from different methodologies, and raising impactful questions and solutions.
Domestic Abuse/Violence and Child Protection
Critical Research
带领人:Lois Liao 谢菲尔德大学社会学博士
#Gender Studies
带领人:Zudy 剑桥大学跨性别研究硕士
Artistic Creations
#Therapeutic Stories
带领人:Clara 纽约大学戏剧治疗硕士
#Creative Writing Module
带领人:Ruochen Li 加州大学洛杉矶分校戏剧写作硕士
Social Organizations (for Informants)
* Each PBL is designed for a selective group of 6-8 young people aged 15-19.
If you are interested in participating in 2024's PBLs, please contact us via
Wechat (birdieOUbirdie) or Email ( for more information.
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